November 23, 2023 Uncategorized 0

The WBL PRO 2.0 project partners were thrilled to be in Budapest together for the 5th and last transnational partner meeting 🇧🇬

On the 21st and 22nd of November, we were guests of project partner BGSZC Széchenyi István Kereskedelmi Technikum where we:

✅ presented the development of the INPRAXI ONLINE platform

✅ presented the development of the WBL TUTORIALS

✅ shared our experiences with Multiplier and test events

✅ re-visited the next and final steps

✅ discussed the sustainability of our project results after the official conclusion of our @Erasmus+ project at the end of this year.

We are all glad and thankful for this incredible partnership and nice people. We look forward to future collaborations.

Thank you

Обавештење за ванредне ученике!

Фебруарски испитни рок се одлаже и одржаће се током марта месеца.
Пријава испита је од 3. марта до 10. марта 2025. године.
Полагање испита је од 20. марта до 31. марта 2025. године.